The mineshaft you were working in has started to flood with lava, time to make your escape! You'll have to use your massive robot to make your way up the mineshaft, but it wasn't really meant to be manned by a crew of just one... You need to keep all of its systems in working order if you're ever going to make it out.


  • [W], [A], [S], [D] or [Arrow Keys] to move
  • [Space] or [Z] to jump
  • [E] or [X] to interact

Crash Course:

  • Cockpit: This is where you pilot the robot. Stand on each button to operate its corresponding leg and climb your way to safety. This can be found at the very top of the robot. 
  • Health: If this gets to zero, your robot falls apart and it's game over. 
  • Shield: This keeps your hull from taking damage. This system can be found on the upper right side of the robot. 
  • Ammo: Your robot comes equipped with an automatic turret to swat down aliens attacking your hull. Keep it topped off with ammo from the reserve supply. This system can be found on the middle right side of the robot. 
  • Fuel: The robot can only move when it receives power from the generator. When power is running low, replace the fuel rod with a fresh one from the supply cabinet. This system can be found at the bottom left side of the robot. 


 This game was made in four days for the GMTK Game Jam 2024, with the theme "Built to Scale."


"Metal impact banging sounds" by artninja, CC4.0, obtained from

Music composed by Denny'sGuy.

Sprites, Programming, Sound Design and Game Design by Denny'sGuy, Cosmonaut800.


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